Explore Boulder County Horse Association
Plan ahead for the next disaster–there are special considerations for horses. Link HERE for up-to-date resources
Join the fun while helping us raise some funds! The BCHA Fun Show is usually held the 3rd Sunday in October at the Boulder County Fairgrounds. It’s a great way to give back to the horse community while gaining experience in a low-key horse show.

Equine Services Directory
~Coming Soon~
Since the 1970s, BCHA has provided a free directory of equine-related services in Boulder County and our surrounding communities. Free listings, free to the community. We are working hard to update the directory but could use more help!
Proud of more than 50 years promoting, protecting and advocating for the equestrian and agricultural community of Boulder County!
Boulder County Horse Association
since 1971
Our educational, recreational, and collaborative activities are centered around bringing the horse community together. We also support the protection of our historic agricultural practices and livestock keeping within Boulder County. BCHA is a 501(c)3 organization, and contributions to the organization are tax-deductible.
All of our horsepower comes from our volunteers including unpaid board members. It takes a herd to keep it going!ABOUT US
The materials and opinions contained on the Boulder County Horse Association (BCHA) website are being made available as a service to equestrians for informational purposes only. Neither BCHA, the Board of Directors, members or anyone who submits material for this website assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any information displayed herein. Unless otherwise stated, reference to any opinion, product, process or service does not imply its endorsement or recommendation by BCHA, its officers, directors or members, or any agency or entity affiliated with the organization.