Boulder County Youth at the 96th National Future Farmers of America Convention in Indianapolis

 ~By Megan French & Clare Tone


The 96th National FFA Convention took place Nov 1-4th in Indianapolis and BCHA & 4-H member Megan French was there. FFA stands for Future Farmers Of America. It is an intracurricular student organization for those interested in agriculture and leadership. FFA develops members’ potential and helps them discover their talent through hands-on experiences, giving members tools to achieve real-world success.

Megan is a senior at Silver Creek High School and attended the National FFA Convention as part of the horse judging team. Here is her dispatch:


My team from St. Vrain Valley School District went to Indianapolis to compete in the horse judging event at the National FFA Convention. We were representing the only Colorado horse judging team at the convention, competing with teams from all over the United States. Our members were (pictured from L to R above): Jack Dolbeare (placing silver), Anna Thomas (placing gold), Shaena Putman (placing silver), Megan French (placing silver). Collectively, our team placed 8th nationally!

At the annual National FFA Convention, FFA members and their advisors come from all over the country to compete or just learn more about agriculture. Examples of some events people compete in are livestock judging, dairy cattle judging, meat judging, horse judging, public speaking contest, and so much more. There are also events like a rodeo, concerts and expos put on just for the kids at the convention. This was my first time ever at the convention and I competed with horse judging. It was an amazing experience and I’m so glad I got to go for my last year eligible!

Learn more about the National FFA Organization HERE!