Social Gathering at CTRC on May 22nd 2024

Mingle with BCHA members and friends along with staff and volunteers from Colorado Therapeutic Riding Center for a chance to: 
Learn about CTRC’s mission and vision
Learn how horses can and do change the lives of the people with disabilities that CTRC serves 
Observe a class * Tour the facility
Get to know some of the amazing team that make it all possible
Enjoy a potluck dinner
Beverages will be provided by BCHA
Please arrive on time to observe the class which begins at 5:30

Dress for the weather. We will be inside to eat but the tour will take us outside. Also, wear waterproof shoes that you don’t mind getting muddy. We are on a working farm, so there is mud.

Find out more about CTRC HERE 

Sign up & bring something to share for the potluck: