Boulder County and the City of Lafayette will host a grand opening celebration of the Flagg Park trailhead at 3:30 p.m. on Tuesday, June 24. The trailhead is located on the Coal Creek Trail 0.5 miles east of the intersection of Flagg Drive and 119th Street. Access to the trailhead was opened to the public on May 9.
Boulder County Open Space, Boulder County Transportation, and the City of Lafayette collaborated to redesign and update the trailhead. During the park’s flood closure last fall, the trailhead was redesigned and reconstructed to better accommodate access to the regional trail system that runs along Coal Creek from Erie all the way to Boulder. The Urban Drainage and Flood Control District reset the bridge that was washed away during the flood.
The newly reconstructed trailhead has parking spaces for 18 vehicles, an ADA parking space, two horse trailer spaces, and a new public restroom.