Accomplishments in 2023 & Plans For 2024

What We Accomplished In 2023:


Expanded Board of Directors
We welcomed Liz French (Secretary), Vera Antonucci (VP-external), Randy Winter (VP, Trails Committee) and Jodi Fowler (Treasurer). So now we’re a six-horse team pulling into 2024!

2nd Annual Emergency Preparedness Clinic
Collaborating with Boulder County Mounted Search and Rescue, Boulder County Animal Control, Boulder County Fairgrounds and Boulder County Office of Disaster Management we offer this free clinic every year to better prepare community members to protect our beloved horses and our farms.  

Outreach programs at trailheads
We continued our important and popular “How to safely share trails with horses” program. This year our team was invited to present at Boulder Mountainbike Alliance patrol training. We also put together a unique and effective opportunity for horses to learn not to be afraid of bikes in a hands-on forum at the Beech Shelter. In all, five programs provided meaningful interactions to approximately 255 people.

Annual Member Gathering
Over 60 dinners served while we socialized and learned from the amazing team at Hatha Equus at the Altona Grange.

Fun Show
We welcomed about 60 riders at the Boulder County Fairgrounds—along with a great turnout of volunteers!

BCHA Appreciation Award
Presented to Dr. Mark Fitch (posthumously) for his outstanding lifetime contribution to the equestrian community of Boulder County. 

Social Gatherings/Trail Talks
Over a hundred of us showed up at various locales through the year to relax, catch up and chat about all things trail riding including an educational session on de-escalation of trail conflicts.

Facebook Member Chat Room
A forum for casual and insightful conversations among our horse-loving membership.

Ongoing work of the organization
We held board meetings and sent out newsletters every month to keep the work of the organization moving forward!


What We’re Planning in 2024:

Enhanced inter-agency communication and collaboration along the Front Range to bolster the efficiency of our work and enhance awareness of the challenges and opportunities facing equines and their human partners in the region (ongoing).

New website launch (summer 2024).

Strengthen our Education Committee (spring/summer 2024). Network with local educators to enhance learning opportunities across the spectrum of equine interests.

Online calendar of events will be a go-to hub to find out what’s going on in our community. A ‘one-stop shop’ for clinics and educational opportunities offered by our amazing community of experts (summer 2024).

Social Gatherings (throughout the year) because they’re just a lot of fun!

‘Equine Services Directory’ gets a facelift and relaunch on our new website (late 2024).

Strengthen our Social Media presence through Facebook and Instagram

Emergency Preparedness Clinic (date TBD)

Fun Show FUNdraiser  (Sunday Oct 20th)

Annual Member Gathering (date TBD)