Ranch Horse Mentor Match-Up at the National Western Stock Show

By Mea French, Easy Riders volunteer and Horse Leader’s Council member


A big “congratulations” to current Boulder County 4-H horse member Anna Thomas and alumnae Delaney Helgans (both a part of Easy Rider’s 4-H club) for doing so well in their Ranch Horse Mentor Match Up competition at the National Western Stock Show in early January.

Delaney (with her mentor, Jesse Jolly from Agate, Colorado) took 4th place. Anna (with her mentor, Steve Schwartzenberger from Longmont ) was reserve champion earning $1,000 in scholarship money.

They both had a good cheering section from their Boulder County 4-H friends and family!

These selected riders get to work with talented industry horse professionals in the disciplines of ranch riding, ranch trail, reining and cow work… then compete against each other in this match up between 9 other riders. It was an exciting event all around. Congratulations to Anna and Delaney!