Reflecting On–And Planning For–Wildfire Season

By Jodi Fowler,
BCHA Emergency Preparedness Committee Chair

As everyone knows, fire season is now upon us.  And what a perfect time to give a huge shout out to all of the first responders that have worked so diligently to keep all of us AND our horses safe!  And a shout out to all of you too!! 

Boulder County Sheriff’s Office (BCSO), Animal Protection, Mounted Search and Rescue, Office of Emergency Management, BCHA and Boulder County Fairgrounds have all unified in the past few years to help each horse owner learn to be their own best advocate in the face of an emergency and you have listened and taken action.  Horse owners are better prepared now than ever.  And specifically with regard to large animal evacuations, Boulder County Sheriff’s Animal Protection in conjunction with Mounted Search and Rescue, all of the fine-tuned protocols and interdepartmental training is paying off as well.  Expanded systems have been put into place in the last few years and now put into action in the recent weeks.  Having served on the front line at these incidents, I can confirm that we have all made incredible strides towards keeping our horses safe.  

This is also a good time to remind you all to dust off your emergency preparedness plan and do a quick review.  
Here’s a recap to help kick start your memories:

1. make an equipment list
2. inspect your trailer
3. make a reciprocal agreement with a friend or facility to be able to evacuate horses to (and know that the fairgrounds are an option if need be)
4. post your evacuation plan in your barn/tack room

1. keep index card on each animal in glove box
2. make sure trailer is clean of all debris including shavings (they are a fire hazard in an emergency)
3. practice trailer loading BEFORE an emergency strikes
4. fire mitigation on your property
5. handle your alpacas, llamas, sheep, etc. so they are used to it!
6. know your strengths and weaknesses
7. know your neighbors
8. how do you plan to ID your animals?  (spray paint, cow tags, braid tag into mane or tail??)
9. register for alerts at the WatchDuty app
11. put the Boulder County non emergency dispatch number in your phone (303-441-4444)

1. call 911, you may be the first to see it
2. have situational awareness (which way is the wind blowing?)
3. check your alerts.  (are you in the mandatory evacuation zone or the pre evacuation zone?)

1. Stay calm.  You have a plan.
2. If you are in the mandatory evacuation zone and need help getting livestock out, call the non emergency dispatch phone (303-441-4444).  Animal Protection will be given you information and first responders will be dispatched to your location.  
3. if you have to leave without your animals, let them out of the barn and CLOSE THE DOORS so they don’t run back in.  Cut fences at the corners.  
3. If you are in the pre evacuation zone but feel uncomfortable, load up and go!  Better safe than sorry. 

Thank you all again for listening to our message and staying prepared!