Archives-Trails History

It was a fun first Fun Ride!

It was a beautiful day at Hermit Park for our first BCHA fun ride! The temperature was in the low 70s and the wildflowers incredible. A few of us tacked up and rode out from the Hermit Cabin site around 10:30 am, we decided to explore the old Sawmill site along with some new trail exploring. We ran into a few other Fun Riders as we descended down onto the two track that leads to Homestead meadow. They  had camped at the equestrian campground and rode out earlier. After the ride we sat around the picnic table sharing a refreshing Jicama salad, pasta salad, zucchini fritters, and mouth-watering watermelon. Thanks to all who came up, it was fun to see you, and look for another ride this Fall. Linda P

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Full Moon Ride in Vedauwoo

It was a friends big 60th and we decided to head to one of my favorite riding places just over the border in Wyoming, Vedauwoo. Known to the Arapaho Indians as “Land of the Earthborn Spirit, it is a place that moves me. Rock formations, wildflowers, antelope, an occasional moose and usually wild weather make this primitive camping experience forever a place of wonder for me. This special weekend marked a milestone for my friend Jane, and just happened to also be when the closest and largest full moon of the year would present itself in 2013 (the next closest occurance will be in August, 2014). My BFF Jane is one of my most fun friends. She has ridden and completed the Tevis Endurance Race twice or maybe three times, I have stopped counting. After a full days ride we rested up, sat around sharing stories and opening birthday presents, while enjoying our camp dinner. The evening sky darkened and the moon rose in the east, then Jane blurted out, “let’s go for a ride a full moon ride”! Well I for one had never rode at night and was a bit hesitant and honestly nervous, but  she assured me and the other two riders thinking about going that the horses would be just fine! What the heck, I thought to myself, I only live once and  Doc Murray was in camp. We even had a veterinarian joining the night ride who was afraid of the dark (go figure) and a first timer like myself, so the

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Staunton State Park Opens in Jeffco

From high grassy meadows at 8,100 feet to soaring granite cliffs over 10,000 feet, Staunton State Park’s varied geology, soils, water features, and climate support rare and unexpected plant communities and a rich diversity of wildlife and provide a myriad of outdoor recreation opportunities including  over 15 miles of trails for horseback riding. Colorado’s newest state park opened to the public on May 18, 2013. The park is located approximately 40 miles southwest of downtown Denver, north of US Highway 285 and about six miles west of Conifer. The Park sits divided between Park and Jefferson counties, in Pine, Colorado. For more information visit the Staunton State Park website.

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Heil Valley Ranch Loop Ride

By Ann Hayes An 8 AM start from Boulder brought us to a convenient horse-trailer parking area at Heil Valley Ranch* by 9 AM. There we met the four other riders who, like us, were participating in a “Meet-up” group called “Natural Trail Ride” led by Vicki Knecht from Brighton. People are drawn to this group because of a common interest in natural horsemanship. Though some of us were previously acquainted this was our first trail ride together. The day was glorious, everyone was prompt, and we headed-up the switchbacking Wapiti Trail. It begins on gravel but becomes steeper and rockier as it ascends. Shoes or boots are a must. At 2.5 miles The Wapiti joins a network of loop trails. Our destination was an overlook along the Pondorosa loop where we expected to have a splendid view of the St. Vrain valley below and eat lunch. To return we completed the Pondorosa loop and re-joined the Waptiti, a total distance of 7.6 miles. Heil Valley Ranch comprises more than 5,000 acres and is part of North Foothills Open Space that includes Hall Ranch. There are the remains of the homesteads to explore, a variety of ecosystems, and wildlife galore. Before the first switchback a flock of wild turkeys scurried across our path. The area is home to mountain lions and large elk herds that are now calving. We saw dark marks on tree trunks where the bucks had rubbed their antlers. As we dismounted at the overlook, the wind came up and rustled the tree

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It was a glorious day at Hermit Park

Andrea, Pat, Mary and I met in Lyons and trailered up to Hermit Park, near Estes Park, Colorado.  It was a picture perfect Colorado Day. After the rough descent off the main trail into the old two track up to Homestead Meadows we picked up a trot and climbed gradually to the access gate. Off to the spring we stopped to water the horses and then on around the Meadow and a nice climb up to the burn area. Springs were running and flowers just getting started. All-in-all a lovely ride. Horse Camping Area: Yes…the horse pens are in but I wouldn’t put more than one horse in a pen. We did not get to go up to them but saw them from the road in. We spoke with the front desk person when we checked in to pay the $6 entrance fee to the Park. Apparently they had horse campers up there recently and they were a bit negligent. They put up a temporary grazing area and their dogs were running loose (all no, no’s). So please keep this in mind if camping there. They are also working on a trail that will lead directly from camp and out to the entrance gate. Have Hermit Park Horse Camp Feedback?S send it their way they want it! Linda P

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Coulson Gulch Trail Work Day

It was a gorgeous Saturday for a workday at Coulson Gulch. This was a multi-partner event with BMA, the Forest Service and BCHA volunteers. The BMA volunteers showed up enforce and got to work on trail maintenance. BCHA board members, Pat Holgate and Linda Parks picked up lunch at the Subway in North Boulder, arranged by Ed Perault with the Forest Service and BCHA, and headed up to feed the hard-working volunteers. After lunch there was a fun raffle and socializing. While we were there some area ca mpers left a fire pit burning and walked away to hike (dah)! Forest service called in a fire truck to put it out (ka-ching a $500 fine). So if you must have a campfire please be careful to bring enough water and a shovel on your trips to put it out before it puts out thousands of animals and homes. Warning to equestrians: The road up from the fork is gnarly, and absolutely not recommended for horse trailers. So if you are planning a ride there park below the fork in the road. This road is not maintained by forest service, it is maintained by county and let’s hope they grade it and put in drainage culverts in soon.

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Dowdy Draw: What a fun day!

It was a beautiful day to ride at Dowdy Draw. My friends Andrea on Ayee, Jill on Goldie and myself on Broom had a wonderful ride. We got lucky and was able to pull in to the one trailer spot left at 10 AM Sunday morning. Our route was Dowdy Draw to Spring Gulch north to the conservation easement, part of Goshawk and then Spring Gulch on the return.  A beautiful spring day with great scenery, flowers, and mountain air. Pat H

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North Table Mountain Trail in Jefferson County

Our neighbor to the south, Jefferson County Open Space, has recently completed a multi-use trail system at the North Table Mountain Open Space. The new trailhead is located off Highway 93 (just north of Golden), and offers a nice parking lot with space for seven horse trailers. There is currently a total of 14 miles of trail, arranged in several stacked loops, so you can choose how long you want to ride. Pat Holgate, Anne Davidson and I explored most of the new trails in mid-February and suggest that it “rides” best in a clockwise direction from the trailhead. This enables you to climb up the steep parts instead of descending them. Be prepared for some narrow, steep, and rocky parts; deer, mountain bikers, and spectacular views in every direction. The top is pretty exposed—so you probably don’t want to be up there on a very windy, stormy, or a very hot day. All in all it’s a unique ecosystem and it’s much more interesting than it might appear from down below. A Bit of Geology: Table Mountain was formed by a volcanic basalt flow about 60 million years ago, so you get very familiar with igneous rocks on this ride. Happy Trails Suzanne Webel

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Trailride at the newly rerouted Homestead Trail

January 23, 2013 Suzanne Webel, Anne Davidson, Joe Juckas, and I rode the newly rerouted Homestead Trail starting from the South Boulder Creek West trailhead. There is very nice trailer parking assigned for two rigs.  It was a beautiful 60 degree day, the horses great, and the scenery incredible! Spain has nothing on us! – Pat Holgate Note: The horse (right) with the pink leg wraps is an ex-racehorse, a Standardbred from New York who had never been out on a trail until this fall.  What a trooper!  – Suzanne

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Baby it’s cold outside, but we’re riding anyway!

Yes it’s winter, yes it’s cold but we’re riding anyway. Some easier trail systems in Boulder County are great to ride this time of year. The girls got together a few weeks ago and did a Chili ride on the Niwot Loop trail system. We met at the open space lot on 83rd off Niwot Road. There is room for a few trailers here and it also has a covered picnic area. This ride was organized by my friend Peg who lives in this area. We rode a great loop that is more an “urban” ride. There are areas that are open to trotting out and cantering on nicely surfaced trails. After our ride Peg drove over to her house and picked up a crock pot of hot chili and all the fixins! It was a fun day for all including the ponies. Thanks Peg for putting this one together. The next month my friends Ann and Russell organized a ride out at Teller Farms, we all met at the Valmont lot and rode north to the Heatherwood area (by the way you can connect to the Niwot Loop trail from here) then rode back to her house, turned the ponies out for some R & R and had a lovely homemade potato leek soup (I was instantly transported to France) on the back patio. Ann and Russell that was a great day…thank you! These food rides are really a fun way to explore the trails in the area and enjoy some great food! Let’s plan more of

Baby it’s cold outside, but we’re riding anyway! Read More »