How to advocate for use of the Boulder County Fairgrounds arena for winter horse riding
If you are disappointed that the County Commissioners and Boulder County Open Space Advisory Committee made the decision to cancel the availability of the indoor arena for all horse riders on Wednesdays during the winter, you…
Public Riding Sessions at the Boulder County Fairgrounds Cancelled!
By Carmen Porter, BCHA Board Member & Fun Show Committee Chair For many years, the Boulder County Fairgrounds offered public sessions from November through April, which was a wonderful but unfortunately underutilized opportunity for the…
Reflecting On–And Planning For–Wildfire Season
Removing Recreational Sport Shooting from National Forest Land Along the Northern Front Range
By Brittany Steffensen What if sport shooting was eliminated on US Forest Service (USFS) land in Boulder County and neighboring counties to the north and south? As equestrians who escape into the mountains for fun…
Planning to trail ride on National Forest?
By Clare Tone Download the free U.S. Forest Service (USFS) Motor Vehicle Use Maps first! The USFS has established official Motor Vehicle Use Maps (MVUM) for the Roosevelt and Arapaho National Forests. These National Forests…
Baling Twine—what barn doesn’t have some!
By Linda P Recently, looking at a handful of baling twine, it made me recall a post I did quite a while ago, What do you do with all that baling twine? I thought I would revisit…